Jakobson 1926

Jakobson, Roman. 1926. Contributions to the study of Czech Accent. Slavia 4. 805-816. (Reprinted in Roman Jakobson. 1971. Selected Writings. Volume 1: Phonological Studies, pp. 641-725. Berlin: Mouton de Gryter.)

  author     = {Jakobson, Roman},
  journal    = {Slavia},
  note       = {Reprinted in Roman Jakobson. 1971. Selected Writings. Volume 1: Phonological Studies, pp. 641-725. Berlin: Mouton de Gryter.},
  pages      = {805-816},
  title      = {Contributions to the study of Czech Accent},
  volume     = {4},
  year       = {1926},
  iso_code   = {ces},
  olac_field = {general_linguistics; phonology; typology; phonetics},
  wals_code  = {cze}