Song 1982

Song, Zhengchun. 1982. Woguo tuwayu yinxi chutan. [A Preliminary Study of the Phonological System of the Tuva Language in China]. Minzu Yuwen 6. 58-65.

  author     = {Song, Zhengchun},
  journal    = {Minzu Yuwen},
  pages      = {58-65},
  title      = {Woguo tuwayu yinxi chutan. [A Preliminary Study of the Phonological System of the Tuva Language in China]},
  volume     = {6},
  year       = {1982},
  iso_code   = {tyv},
  olac_field = {typology; general_linguistics; phonology; phonetics},
  wals_code  = {tuv}