Combination Position of Pronominal Possessive Affixes / Position of Tense-Aspect Affixes

You may combine these features with another one. Start typing the feature name or number in the field below.

Position of Pronominal Possessive Affixes / Position of Tense-Aspect Affixes Number of languages
reload Possessive prefixes / Tense-aspect prefixes 24
reload Possessive prefixes / Tense-aspect suffixes 151
Possessive prefixes / Tense-aspect tone
reload Possessive prefixes / Mixed type 33
reload Possessive prefixes / No tense-aspect inflection 17
reload Possessive suffixes / Tense-aspect prefixes 57
reload Possessive suffixes / Tense-aspect suffixes 133
reload Possessive suffixes / Tense-aspect tone 2
reload Possessive suffixes / Mixed type 40
reload Possessive suffixes / No tense-aspect inflection 44
reload Prefixes and suffixes / Tense-aspect prefixes 3
reload Prefixes and suffixes / Tense-aspect suffixes 10
Prefixes and suffixes / Tense-aspect tone
reload Prefixes and suffixes / Mixed type 8
reload Prefixes and suffixes / No tense-aspect inflection 7
reload No possessive affixes / Tense-aspect prefixes 14
reload No possessive affixes / Tense-aspect suffixes 142
reload No possessive affixes / Tense-aspect tone 3
reload No possessive affixes / Mixed type 30
reload No possessive affixes / No tense-aspect inflection 51